Adversa de Luna Atrita

Now, let me just say that Adversa de Luna Atrita is actually the very first MoonSpeak song I have ever heard, and I did so upon discovering that she actually did make music in her spare time. She's one of my buddies over the Internet, and I remember being very surprised when I first discovered she made music, and this was the first thing she presented to me. I remember being stunned, in part due to the knowledge of her making music, but also the knowledge her making very GOOD music. And listening to it again right now as I type this out, I think it's still my favorite of her pieces.

Biased as I may be, I really do very much appreciate the atmosphere this song creates. The song itself sounds a lot more mature, and less MIDI than what was found in the Atmos EP. The undulating beat, as simplistic as it is, is actually extremely catchy, and makes me think of a flurry of colorful images, like of an alien ghost slowly creeping its way towards Earth. It's almost creepy, but in that good sort of way that makes you listen to the entire thing, in wonderment of what'll happen next. The song is minimalistic and doesn't change much, but in my opinion, that actually helps it even more in terms of creating that foreign sort of fish-out-of-water atmosphere.

The only flaw found on this single is Captain Lunar's remix of the song. Rendered completely unrecognizable, the remix eschews the subtle, nuanced sort of tonality of the original piece and mangles it into a more dance-oriented beat. If only it weren't the most generic and uninspired sounding beat of all time. It goes on for longer than five minutes, too. My general rule of thumb is, if you can't get the song's message across in less than five minutes, then you did something wrong. Especially if it's a supposed "remix", and yet contains absolutely NO traces of the original song whatsoever. It particularly irks me that this remix falls short, because of the impact the original song had on my mind. The last thing you want your audience to do is to get BORED while listening to your music. That's all I really have to say about that.

But no, the original song itself is actually excellent, and is exactly the kind of music I'd like to hear more of from her. Captain Lunar's "remix" was just botched and unnecessary.


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